We are...
We are FamilyHomes - a network of Christian families.
Do you want to know what that looks like? You can discover it here.
Faith in Jesus
We love ecumenism and understand it to mean a shared belief in the triune God - as Catholic, Protestant and free church Christians. We live our Christian faith charismatically and in daily prayer and it shapes our everyday life.
That's why we set up a prayer room in every FamilyHome:
a space reserved for the encounter with God
a space that calls us to spend time with God
a space that leads us to inner silence
a space in which we gather if we want to encounter God together.
Openness to people
We FamilyHomes open up and are ready to share our existence. We share our Christianity and our everyday family life. We welcome people with a longing for God and a desire for change.
That's why we set up a guest room in every FamilyHome:
A room that welcomes people
A room that gives people the peace they need
A room where people find shelter
talents in life
We FamilyHomes know our talents. Every person is endowed by God with diverse gifts and talents. They are given to each of us so that we can bring them into the world and “do business” with them. We want to live our talents passionately, rediscover them, share them and thereby enrich God's kingdom. (Math 25, ff)
Therefore, each FamilyHome names and explains its very own, God-given talent.
In our FamilyHomes, people with similar talents meet, exchange ideas and inspire each other. This is how something new is created.